Al Wafa School for Capacity Development

Al-Wafa School for Capacity Development (Institute of Intellectual Education) was established previously in 1984 and is considered the first school for mental disabilities in the United Ara Emirates.
It aims to provide a range of educational, educational and therapeutic programs and services for the age group from 5 years to 16 years.

Al Wafaa School receives age groups from 5 years to 16 years.

Al-Wafa School in the main branch is divided into the following schools, depending on the age group of the beneficiaries:

  • 5 years - 9.5 years in Al-Wafa School - Yarmouk branch.
  • 10 years - 16 years in Al-Wafa School - Ramle branch.

Al Wafa School for Capacity Development receives the following people with disabilities:

  • People with intellectual disabilities.
  • People with multiple disabilities.
  • Autism spectrum disorder.

The most important basic services provided:

  • Assessment and diagnosis.
  • Training, teaching and skills development
  • Assistive therapeutic services (language and speech - physical therapy - occupational therapy - psychological, educational and social services).
  • Assistive technologies.
  • Assistive activities (sports - music - art education - housekeeping - handicrafts - computer - Quran and intonation).
  • Music therapy.
  • Academic and social inclusion program.
  • community awareness.
  • Self-advocacy.
  • Academic and social inclusion program.
  • Counseling and family awareness.

Al-Wafa School adopts several curricula and assessment tools:

  • Measurement, evaluation and programming system AEPS.
  • The portage program for early education.
  • Child guided strategies: The Van Dijk approach to assessment.
  • Psychoeducational Profile Revised PEP-3.
  • TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile (TTAP).
  • Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communications Handicapped Children (TEACCH autism program)s.
  • Inclusion from the classroom to the workspace.
  • The curriculum of the Ministry of Education.

The most important achievements and awards

  • Obtaining CARF standards accreditation (youth and children services)."
  • Membership in the UNESCO Network Project
  • Smart Learning.
  • Student Council .
  • Self-advocacy.
  • Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed Award for Childhood Creativity 2016.
  • Sanabel El Mahabba Festival.

Mechanism of registration

The registration process is carried out in the center by an arranged mechanism.

  • In the beginning, the initial registration process is done by phone or by visiting the center in coordination with the receptionist or social service employee.
  • After that, the center contacts the family, schedules an appointment for the initial survey, and brings the medical report and identification papers.
  • Then the family is contacted for the second time for official registration and interviews with specialists for evaluation according to the child's need.
  • After that, the center contacts the family to hand over the child’s report after completing the comprehensive assessment process, and they are informed of the services that will be provided to the child (family counseling, classes, communication, physical therapy), taking into account the date of the child’s registration and waiting lists.