Forum "Let's Let's talk"

Zoom Apr 27, 2021 – Apr 27, 2021

Event Info

Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services has been holding its annual scientific conference to work to promote and empower persons with disabilities, and to bridge the relationship between them and decision-makers and specialists in the field of disability, allowing people with disabilities and their families the opportunity to fully integrate and belong to their communities, and to enhance their role in the process of sustainable development. That is sought by different countries of the world.

The virtual forum under the title "Let's talk" is to be a scientific platform in which people with hearing disabilities, decision-makers, experts and specialists meet to explain the basic, health, educational, psychological, economic and rehabilitative needs of the deaf and hard of hearing so that they have an active role in society and work on proposing solutions and initiatives that will empower Deaf people from their rights and work to eliminate unemployment.

Forum goals

  • Promote the rights of deaf and hard of hearing people in light of the pandemic
  • Building community and family awareness of the culture and capabilities of deaf and hard of hearing people and highlighting the distinct models and various talents in education and work in light of the Corona pandemic
  • Presenting the reality of deaf and hard of hearing people and the mechanism for improving their conditions in light of the pandemic
  • He raised many issues and topics, including human rights, social, educational and others, in light of the pandemic
  • Coming up with practical initiatives, solutions and recommendations for a range of challenges that the deaf and hard of hearing face in five axes: “education, health, modern technologies in education, work, and families” in light of the pandemic
  • Discussing the launch of fruitful initiatives in the field of education for the deaf and hard of hearing in light of the pandemic
  • Optimal guidance to exploit the potential and potential of deaf and hard of hearing people in light of the pandemic
  • Focusing on meeting the challenges and the necessity of continuous development of deaf people in light of the pandemic

Registration Details

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